Thursday, June 7, 2012

Week Twenty Three: Men In Black 3

Yup, my Project 52 plans came back around to dinner and a movie (although this time, we went to the movie first, then dinner). I really like the first two MIBs, so when the third came out, I know I wanted to see it. Project 52 gives me a great outlet to slide in a movie during my week, so since I didn't have anything else planned and it doesn't take too much forethought other than getting my mom to come over to watch the kids...

We left for the movie a little late, so it felt like a rushed 20 minute drive, but when all was said and done, we were only three minutes late sitting down in the theater.  I don't think we even missed a preview.

Dinner was another story.  By the time the movie was over, it was 8:45pm (even though is looked liked 2pm sunlight).  Our first choice, Chops, was closing at 9pm, so we went to Plan B. And then, as I was driving, I thought about sushi, so we changed to Plan C, Naked Tchopstix, where both of us had heard of, but neither have been.

So, it was a nice little adventure to tag onto a good movie!

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