Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Week Fourteen: The Hunger Games

For this weeks p-52 night I decided that I would kill two birds with one stone. In fact the timing actually worked out really well. I had read The Hunger Games trilogy several months earlier and have been anxiously awaiting the release of the first movie. Well, when it was finally released I didn't really have time to go see it with my friends, so instead I took Dan to see the week after it was released! It seemed like a movie that Dan would actually enjoy and I was looking forward to seeing what he thought of it and discussing it with him after!

After we were done eating we headed across the street to the theater and were once again able to get right in with perfect timing for the movie. I thought the movie was great and it actually lived up to the book. There didn't seem to be a lot that they left out or changed for the movie and the imagery was fabulous! I can't wait to see the next two movies! Dan said that it pretty much lived up to what he was expecting.

So while it wasn't a super creative date night, I think we both enjoyed ourselves and proved that dates don't always have to be elaborate to be enjoyable!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it was a good movie. Although, I was getting a bit frustrated by the teenagers sitting behind us. They were talking a lot, but luckily, after a half hour or so, they left.

    There weren't a lot of people in the theater, so that was nice as well.
