Monday, February 13, 2012

Week Five: Pottery Painting and Go-Karting

Well, this week was supposed to be Dan's week, but since the painting class that I had scheduled for last week got cancelled and Dan wanted to do the DND convention but it was on my week... I stupidly agreed to trade weeks with him, thinking that it was buying me more time to come up with something fun for my week... but in reality I didn't really come up with anything more fun than I could have come up with last minute the previous week... and I got stuck sitting at a DND convention for 4 hours. I guess we will chalk that up as a bad choice on my part!

So this week for our P52 date I wasn't coming up with anything super exciting or unique, so we headed over to Bisque It on Coldwater road to paint some pottery. The kids were both asking for new piggy banks since Katie broke a while back. So Dan decided to paint one for Christian while I did one for Katie. I picked out a crown for Katie and Dan decided to do the same one for Christian so they would have matching prince and princess crown banks. Christian specifically asked for a blue bank and Katie of course asked for pink.

My first mistake of the night was forgetting to mention to Dan that the studio closed at 8pm. So we both ended up not getting finished with our painting. We got close, but just couldn't quite finish up. So we ended up going back the next week before our Painting Class to finish up our pottery.

So after the pottery studio closed we headed over to Fast Track Raceway for some indoor Go-Karting. I figured after sitting very still at a table focusing on painting pottery it would be nice to cut loose a bit and race on the racetrack. I had never been to Fast Track, but Dan went there many moons ago as part of his bachelor party. The place was pretty dead and for the first two of our three races we were all alone on the track. The karts were faster than I was expecting, but for me the most surprising part was how quiet they were. The most unfortunate part of this outing, and the whole night for that matter, was that I ended up spinning out and crashing head on into the wall on our third race. I'm still amazed at how hard I hit that wall. The rest of the night I knew I was going to be hurting in the morning... but I truly wasn't prepared for just how bad I was going to hurt. It ended up taking 4 Ibuprophen, 1 Tylenol 3 and about 6 hours before I was able to start moving my neck a little bit the next morning and a week later it still hurts!

But back to the racing. My memory is starting to fade now, but I believe Dan ended up having the fastest time of the two of us for each race... and the fastest time overall!

After racing we headed over to Applebee's for some night time munchies and a couple adult beverages! I think that might have actually been my favorite part of the night. I was really nice for me to be able to sit and have an adult conversation with my husband... and the Bahama Mamma didn't hurt any either!

1 comment:

  1. The whole night was fun. I am starting to see a theme with your P52 dates, as we are always "making" something an bringing it home:)

    As for the racing, we did three runs, but I didn't win each of them. I won the first and third (and by winning, its who has the fastest lap time) and you edged me out on the second. I did have the fastest overall lap time, which ended up being our first race.

    I would have figured we'd get better with more experience, but we didn't!
